We are excited to welcome back Omega Alpha Sinew-x Plus as the presenting sponsor for the second year.There will be an Open Series and an Amateur Series at each level.
Points are accumulated in the following manner:
Sincere thanks to Greenhawk for continuing to sponsor this exciting CornerStone program for 2017.
Points are accumulated in the following manner:
The highest score received by a competitor in any Prix St. Georges class at each of the three shows will be added together to determine the Champion and Reserve Champion for each of the two Series. Competitors may not transfer scores from one Series to another, ie. may not use 2 Amateur PSG scores and 1 Open PSG score. Scores will be from the same division for the three shows.
(Test of Choice classes not to count) Ties will be broken by taking the highest single score.
Each series champion was awarded a $1,000.00 Greenhawk Gift card. Each series reserve champion will be awarded a $250.00 Greenhawk Gift card. We thank Greenhawk for sponsoring this exciting program.
Amateur Champion: Heather Grimm
Reserve: Karen Barnes
Full Amateur Standings
Open Champion: Tom Dvorak
Reserve: Lori Bell
Full Open Standings
Reserve: Inga Hamilton